I keep them all at 2 1/2 turns and they have new O-rings. Also, when I turn the pilot screws in or out on carb 1 or 2 nothing changes. Here's the BIG CLUE that I can't figure out: When I place my hand over the intake of carb #1 or #2 they start to fire (idle speed increases) and when I pull my hand away it's soaked in gas. At that point cyl 1 & 2 exhaust pipes start to heat up, so they seem to run when "on the needle" but not on the pilot jet. After a minute of warm up I can close the choke and start to lightly rev the motor. Something to note: when I start with full choke only cyl. Also, I have sealed the carb mounts to the head with liquid gasket and I tighten the clamps onto the carbs as tight as possible. There are no air leaks at the carb mounts - when I spray starting fluid around the carb mounts nothing happens. The valve clearances are perfect with compression of 150 all around They are connected to the correct coils and have perfect blue/purple spark

I have a new head, pistons and rings, exhaust pipes, and have rebuilt the carbs (9-10 times now!) and still can't get the thing to idle. I've been working on this easy, basic, and fairly simple KZ1000P for over 2 years now and am feeling like a first-grader.